ACAM Bibliotheek
Mineralogie, boeken in de collectie - titels beginnende met T
Ta orykta tes Laureotikes (Mineralen van Lavrion) Bourlakos, N., 1992, Laureio Gr., 32 p., Inventarisnummer ACAM 01390
Tektite, zeugen kosmischer Katastrophen Heinen, G. 1997, Heinen Guy, 54 p., Inventarisnummer ACAM 01313
Tektites in the geological record:, showers of glass from the sky Mccall, J., 2001, The Geological Society, 256 p., ISBN 1-86239-085-1, Inventarisnummer ACAM 01397
Terres, pierres et feu en vallée Mosane, l'exploitation des ressources naturelles minérales de la Commune d'Ande Abrams, G., 2010, Institut Royal Des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, 544 p., ISBN 9782960067620, Inventarisnummer ACAM 01503
Tessin, Tessin und Südbünden Weiss, S. & Brack, P., 2018, Christian Weise Verlag München, 120 p., ISBN 9783921656846, Inventarisnummer ACAM 01554
The care and conservation of geological material, minerals, rocks, meteorites and lunar finds Howie, F., 1992, Butterworth-Heinemann, 138 p., ISBN 0 7506 0371 2, Inventarisnummer ACAM 01308
The collector's book of fluorescent minerals Robbins, M., 1983, Van Nostrand Reinhold Comp Vs, 289 p., ISBN 0442275064, Inventarisnummer ACAM 01508
The complete guide to micromounts, minerals for everyone Speckels, M., 1965, Gembooks,Mentone Ca, 96 p., Inventarisnummer ACAM 01274
The goldminers pocket companion Bigando, B.P., Inventarisnummer ACAM 01221
The henkel glossary of fluorescent minerals, journal of the fluorescent mineral society Henkel, 1989, Fluorescent Min Soc, 91 p., Inventarisnummer ACAM 01507
The illustrated encyclopedia of the mineral kingdom Woodley, A., 1978, Hamlyn London, 240 p., ISBN 0 600 36263 9, Inventarisnummer ACAM 01408
The mineral kingdom Desautels P., 1969, Hamlyn House, Feltham, Middlesex, England, 251 p., ISBN 600 02519 5, Inventarisnummer ACAM 01024
The Munich show, hidden trasures of the museums 2016, 215 p., ISBN 9783529054662, Inventarisnummer ACAM 01543
The planetary report, sampels from space 1984, The Planetary Society, 24 p., Inventarisnummer ACAM 01432
The power of gold, the history of an obsession Bernstein, P.L., 2000, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 432, ISBN 0471252107, Inventarisnummer ACAM 01542
The streets were paved with gold, a pictorial history of the Klondike Gold Rush 1896-1899 Cohen S., 1977, Pictoral Histor. Publish. Co. Montana, 202 p., ISBN 0 933126 03 4, Inventarisnummer ACAM 01121
The system of mineralogy, elements-sulfides-sulfosalts-oxides Dana, J.D. & Dana, E.S., 1976, John Wiley And Sons Inc., 834 p., ISBN 0 471 19239 2, Inventarisnummer ACAM 01003
The system of mineralogy, halides-nitrates-borates-carbonates-sulfates-phosphates-arsenates-tungstates Dana, J.D. & Dana, E.S., 1976, John Wiley And Sons Inc., 1124 p., ISBN 0 471 19272 4, Inventarisnummer ACAM 01004
The system of mineralogy, silica minerals Dana, J.D. & Dana, E.S., 1976, John Wiley And Sons Inc, 334 p., ISBN 471 19287 2, Inventarisnummer ACAM 01005
The world of minerals De Michele, V., 1972, Bounty Books New York, 128 p., Inventarisnummer ACAM 01406
The world of minerals, european precious opal deposits at Dubník Semrád, P., 2017, Granit Ltd, Czech Republic, 219 p., ISBN 9788072961061, Inventarisnummer ACAM 01555
The world's finest minerals and crystals Bancroft, P., 1973, The Viking Press New York, 176 p., ISBN 670-79022-2, Inventarisnummer ACAM 01392
The complete book of micromounting Quintin Wight, Q., 1993, Mineral Record Tucson, 284 p., Inventarisnummer ACAM 01510
Thieme's gids voor mineralen en gesteenten Rowaan, N.J., 1977, Thieme Zutphen, 408 p., ISBN 90 03 95730 4, Inventarisnummer ACAM 01384
Thieme's mineralenboek, handboek voor liefhebbers en verzamelaars van mineralen Bogel, H., Thieme Zutphen, 320 p., ISBN 90 03 91710 8, Inventarisnummer ACAM 01053
Thorikos, het leven in een oudgriekse mijnstad Mussche, H.F., 1985, 76 p., Inventarisnummer ACAM 01158
Tin and tin mining Atkinson, R., 1985, Shire Public. Ltd., Aylesbury, 32 p., ISBN 0 85263 733 0, Inventarisnummer ACAM 01257
Titanmineralen, Extra Lapis 60 Hochleiter,R. & Weiss, S., 2021, Tobias Waise, München, 102 p., ISBN 978883921656938, Inventarisnummer ACAM 01571
Tone und Tonminerale, Grundlage Der Sedimentologie und Mineralogie Heim Dieter, 1990, Ferdinand Enke Verlag, 157, 3 432 98741 2, Inventarisnummer ACAM 01073
Traité de minéralogie, Atlas Dufrénoy, A., 1856, Paris Victor Dalmont, 288 p., Inventarisnummer ACAM 01455
Traité de minéralogie Dufrénoy, A., 1856, Paris Victor Dalmont, 720 p., Inventarisnummer ACAM 01453
Traité de minéralogie Dufrénoy, A., 1856, Paris Victor Dalmont, 684 p., Inventarisnummer ACAM 01452
Traité de minéralogie Dufrénoy, A., 1856, Paris Victor Dalmont, 716 p., Inventarisnummer ACAM 01451
Traité de minéralogie Dufrénoy, A., 1859, Paris Dalmont Et Dunot, 768 p., Inventarisnummer ACAM 01454
Tschechien Slowakei, Mineralien und Fundstellen Hyrsl, J. & Korbel, P., 2008, Bode, 576 p., ISBN 978-3-925094-91, Inventarisnummer ACAM 01476
Tsjechische Granaten Klecak, J. & Holasek, O., 1961, Praag, 158 p., Inventarisnummer ACAM 01090
Tsumeb, eine Deutsch-Afrikanische Geschichte Gebhard G., 1993, Verlag Christel Gebhard Giesen, 239 p., ISBN 3 925322 02 7, Inventarisnummer ACAM 01107